Author: Horizons

CHINA | Reducing Legal Risks in Technology Transfers

Cross-border technology transfers can be challenging to navigate in China. As China categorizes technology transfers into three groups (prohibited, restricted, and free), the transfer can be subject to certain limitations or requirements. For foreign companies transferring technology in or out of China, it is crucial to understand obligations and reduce legal risks.   In China,…

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CHINA | Tax Planning for Complex Supply Chains

Complex supply chains require comprehensive tax planning. Especially in cross-border businesses or middle-size and large-scale corporations, integrated tax planning which optimises tax policies and incentives is crucial. Namely, it effects the overall business development and operations. For comprehensive tax planning, tax policies should be applied with a deep understanding of the company's business model and…

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CHINA | Standard or Alternative Working Hours

In China, employers can either set standard or alternative working hours. Standard working hours are normally utilised. In cases where the constraints of the work characteristics or production limits the implementation of the standard working hours, the employer may apply the flexible working time or cumulative working time system. Such alternative working hours are subject…

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